Monday, October 6, 2008

a moment of quiet introspection

and it is time to finally write again
now again is it time to finally write
to write finally
forgive me I have cut my hair again
and I have accented the other side of my face
pure chance
but we are to new things and I do not need to fear old routines
in favor of developing new ones
behaviors will remain fairly consistent, however
it is my opportunity
mine solely
to effect positive change on my interpretation and feelings 
regarding these behaviours
tonight was a big night and I need not live so largely
largely will I live
so I must then first forgive myself for living so largely
having feelings that feel negatively about it
forgive the feelings
forgive myself again
I am wonderful and beautiful and my intentions are pure
I love everyone and not only myself
for I am nothing without them
god bless all of these people and my opportunity to live their lives for this instant
I am enjoying myself
I hope this continues as long as I do so
I like the challenge and the opportunity within that framework
to apply myself to understanding and succeeding
I met the kitty again, tonight
Mr. Grey and White kitty
I might pay him another visit although the sauce did make it into the fridge
my obligations to this day are complete
I reasoned with kitty through subsequent visits
which do I prefer?
loving and losing or never loving at all?
in that context I am loving and losing
there will always be kitties, I told him
my hands always magic their work will

thank you again God

1 comment:

Mickey Simple said...

Who chose that font? I've got a headache trying to read this. Long live the gazillionaire!