Friday, October 3, 2008

First Blog by Gaz

Well, I took Penny and The Wheel of Destiny to play a little "What Would You do for a Dollar?" on Wall Street for all the poor fuckers that have lost all their money.  We gave out at least $100 and got a programmer to dance with a random Dominican man, a poor Jewish broker to do 10 pushups for a buck, and almost got to see a really happy Divorce Lawyer get kicked in the balls!
We will be doing it again next week! So come on out and win some cash!



Gillian said...

Hey Gaz - glad to see you helping bail out Wall Street - rumour has it you heading down to Australia to pick up some cheap assets in the credit crunch - any word on that?

Mickey Simple said...

So the finance guy sez to me, "this is worse than a divorce... I've lost half my net worth and I still have my wife!" Long live the Gazillionaire!